Sunday, September 23, 2007

Professional slacker

I have spent the last few weekends studying endlessly, and the words of my friend Ed keep coming to mind. I remember him being appalled when my mother was getting her masters and was still reading all of the material assigned for the class. He looked like it was completely absurd for her to do so. Similarly, my friend from church just finished her doctorate, and she wanted to know if I had figured out not to read yet. Apparently, a master's program is meant to teach you how to sound like you know what your talking about. I am definitely being trained to be a professional slacker.

1 comment:

Robert Dunger said...

An interesting point of view! I should have thought of that a long time ago! Think of all the time I'd save by just sounding like I know what I'm doing!

It makes me wonder if people really know things or just sound as if they do...